Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Now That's Refreshing

So I have this parent's handbook. I wrote it. The first rule is that I am no longer a mommy after 8pm. Now before you say "Rachel that is awful!" let me make my case. The first rule helps me get up the next day. The first rule helps me follow all the other rules I have written like not going crazy, not medicating myself with chocolate (well that rule gets broken, so that doesn't count) giving my best from 6:30 AM to 8 PM. I ADORE my kids, but when it's bedtime, it's bedtime and I don't look back. Give me all the hugs and kisses you can, but Sianara, Au Revoir, Buenos Nochas it's Daddy and Mommy time...it's mommy recharging when let's be honest, sleep is not enough to do that, not really. It's reconnecting to the essence that makes me ME. Writing, reading, chatting, creating, listening, pondering, laughing, remembering. And when 6:30 AM comes again, I hold the little ones close, grateful for every second with them... because I feel refreshed again. (DISCLAIMER:) "Refreshed" at 6:30 AM may be pushing it just a bit....


Cami said...

I am the same way. Absolutely! Cam has to remind me to be nice about it, though.

trish said...

Rachel always was strict about kids going to bed. When Rachel was baby sitting us, poor Dave and Jonathan had to go to bed at 6. Conner and CC are lucky that they can stay up till 8.

Kimberly said...

I think most parents are that way. You have to have your "me" and "us" time. You're better then me though because I'm not mom again until 7:15, Parker just has to wait in his bed until then, is that mean?

Donna said...

My neighbor and I were actually talking about this today. Evenings are such a nice break. I don't know what I would do without them. I'm just like you--I like to be a mom during the day, but once my son's bedtime arrives, I can relax and do whatever I want. I think parents really need the time off to recharge and reconnect with themselves and each other.

Lara said...

Good rule. I love early bed times! And thank goodness for DVR so that we can waste less of our time watching tv after the kids are in bed.

scrapsidaisy said...

I totally agree. I don't know how people do it when their kids don't go to bed until late! And my most favorite thing is looking at them sleeping before I go to bed. After I have had some time to myself of course.