Monday, August 11, 2008

This Is What I Really Think Of These People


A tiny tempestuous epiphany

An explosion of will

The life of the party without trying too hard

Passionate, manipulative, beautiful

A scream that eats at my soul


An ancient soul worthy of a seat

Around the stone tables of philosophy

Disarming in ability and insight

Fair, reticent, compassionate

Eyes that take me to my Maker


As Galahad of old, he seeks the grail

Of a prematurely wrinkled heart and deeply drinks

Unflinching he faces the storm

Velvet intelligence drips with ambition unfulfilled

His hand holds endless possibility


Cami said...

I'm so glad you posted this like this.
Very cool.
They are blessed to have you in their corner.

Cami said...

I've been thinking about you a lot today. I am so grateful for your friendship. We'll talk soon, but I want you to know that you have had a profound effect on me lately.

trish said...

Hi Rachel,

This is awesome!
Wow, I loved the whole thing!
The pictures are so cute!
I laughed though the whole thing.
Love ya! Trish

trish said...

Thanks for being my one and only sister! I love you! Trish