As a background,I am not a morning person. I have been known to say two words, but really before 10 AM you'd be better conversing with a DMV employee. Anyhow, in order to combat this personlity trait/opportunity for his sainthood and also because the hubby is the chipperest chiperoo you've ever encountered in the mornings, he does have a lot to say and will often leave me notes on the whiteboard. That, and the fact that I was snoozing away as he and my son left for their day.
So I ask you what does it look like he's saying to YOU???
Considering the rest of his message has to do with why he couldn't wear a suit to work and switching nights with me in attending the temple what I THOUGHT he said would still apply, don't ya think?
PS- if this is how you personally enjoy spelling warehouse, then please accept my deepest condolences because I will laugh at you too.
LOVE YA, honey!!! Come straight home after work, 'K?????
That is hilarious! I can see why he wouldn't be able to make it to the temple after going to the whorehouse.
Well, I'm sure he had a great day!
Thanks, Sweetheart. But I have to say that wasn't really funny "Ha Ha", that was more funny "Ho Ho"! :)
Love you!
That was really funny. I definitely read it as, ahem, whorehouse. Hee hee.
Ha ha ha! Oh my gosh that is SO funny!
And I LOVE Tony's comment too! "ho ho" you guys are great!
Oh boy. That is funny! I wish my husband would leave me notes...but not like that. :)
No, I didn't know our moms talked. Good! Wouldn't it be nice to have a reunion sometime?
I'm sorry I haven't been very good at replying to your comments lately - but I really do appreciate them. 4 is still a bit overwhelming to me some days! It will help when the little guy sleeps through the night. :) I enjoyed reading your last two posts. I don't know how you maintain such a faith-filled attitude, but I admire you for it. You're an amazing example to me. Thank you for sharing!
Rach, I think you should take his invitation to go to the Temple and get your mind out of the gutter!
Loved the picture. Those kinds of pictures capture so much of the moment. Our guys are so funny and good thing cause life needs funny sometimes!
How fun to get notes in the morning! Even if he is going to the whorehouse. That is hilarious:)
That is funny.
I too am cursed with a morning-person husband.
This struck me so funny that I still can't stop laughing and have tears rolling down my face.
And then I read Tony's comment. Ho Ho! HA!
PS I have a similar relationship with my husband. How anyone can be so upbeat in the morning is beyond me. :)
Oh Rachel, he's a gem.
Tell Cece hello from her friend Robin.
Oh my gosh! That's so funny:) My husband's handwriting has the same effect as misspelling words. It took me 45 minutes to figure out "butter."
This is soooo funny and so perfect! The funniest thing is that he was totally innocent in his intent when writing it too!
So that's what Tony does all day....hmmmm...
Tony's "ho ho" is awesome!!!
SO funny Rach. Oh my word. I needed a good laugh too... thanks!
We don't usually go to the whorehouse before we go to the temple. But you have just set a new standard I will make mention of this in the ward news letter so the bishop can adjust our standards.
Very funny thanks for sharing
Hahahahaha, whorehouse!!!!!! Yeah, maybe you should go see the bishop, not the temple...too funny!!!!
That is hilarious! Tell him if he stops there, he probably shouldn't be going to the temple. ;)
I think it's cute he leaves you messages--just maybe hone up on the spelling. . .
That is hilarious. I think I'm going to be smiling the rest of the night. Thanks for the laugh. I promise never to call you before 10 (because I am a morning person).
That is so funny! I love that you posted it!
Love it! Ho Ho Ho! It's nice you two can be so open with one another about all the goings secrets, right? :)
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