Thanks Bonnie- it's been a while since I've been tagged. Before I respond, I wanted to tell you more about my previous post. I found this website and it finds your celebrity twin. I kid you not, my #1 look alike according to their "scientific process" was Paris Hilton...(crickets are chirping now and your jaw has fallen down to the basement) Yah, cuz I always thought she was my long lost twin!! :O That's why I went with their #2 choice of Emma Thompson- I still don't see it, but it was still fun.
Ok back to the tag: 6 quirks I have-
1) I will only eat the middle of meat (especially if I have seen it raw) If you give me a piece of chicken I trim off all the edges. I don't enjoy meat very much and the fat on meat (never gonna happen) I was at a stranger's house one Thanksgiving and I got some gristle in my mouth...I'm still not over it.
2) I'm superstitious. I knock on wood and make a wish every time I look at a clock and it says 1:11
(Conner's birthday) I used to do something every time I drove over a railroad track, but I can't remember what that was and luckily I gave that one up. :)
3) I am obsessed with flossing my teeth. I look forward to it. It is my favorite part of getting ready for bed every night. In fact, probably because I overdue it (if that's possible), my gums are now receding. Too much of a good thing I guess.
4) I have no idea what direction I'm facing at any given time. I'm not very good at giving or getting directions. I use map quest a whole bunch more than I'd like to admit. Maybe it's the California girl in me, but I still think 3 houses down from the lamp post is easier than 10076972 South and 10 billion West.
5) I named my daughter's middle name Grace because I don't have any. If there is a wall six feet away I will hit it with my elbow. If there is one pebble on the street I will stumble on it and if we are walking towards each other from opposite directions, we might as well 'dance.' I always choose the wrong direction if I have to make a choice about how to avoid hitting the oncoming individual. It's strange...does it have to do with my lack of direction??? Hmmm.
6) If I see a cop I turn into Bambi. Let me explain what that means. If a cope is near me in the car my eyes widen (not in fear), but in earnestness. They take on a gentle expression like a child on the front row listening attentively to the teacher. I smile ever so gently, not too widely with just a hint of serenity and my hands immediately adopt the 10 and 2 o'clock position. I must feel guilty or something...
So there you have it and I'm sure there's 200 more but those are some highlights!! If you guys want to play, then I tag Cami, Lara and Donna.